import pymysql
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
##        QUESTION 1        ##
# Connect to the world database
connection = pymysql.connect(
host = "dsc140.cmgtlybtlnmh.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",
user = "guest",
password = "UMUdsc140",

conn = connection.cursor()
##        QUESTION 2        ##
# Show all of the table names and format the returned data so it can be
# used later
show_tables = "SHOW TABLES"
output = conn.execute(show_tables)
table_names = conn.fetchall()
table_names = [i[0] for i in table_names]
print("Table Names")

# For every table, print the names of the columns of data in the table
for table_name in table_names:
    get_cols = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM "+table_name
    output = conn.execute(get_cols)
    col_names = conn.fetchall()
    col_names = [i[0] for i in col_names]
Table Names
['City', 'Country', 'CountryLanguage']
['ID', 'Name', 'CountryCode', 'District', 'Population']

['Code', 'Name', 'Continent', 'Region', 'SurfaceArea', 'IndepYear', 'Population', 'LifeExpectancy', 'GNP', 'GNPOld', 'LocalName', 'GovernmentForm', 'HeadOfState', 'Capital', 'Code2']

['CountryCode', 'Language', 'IsOfficial', 'Percentage']
##        QUESTION 3        ##
# Get the column names from the CountryLanguage Table
get_cols = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM CountryLanguage"
output = conn.execute(get_cols)
col_names = conn.fetchall()
col_names = [i[0] for i in col_names]

# Get the data from the CountryLanguage table
languages = "SELECT * FROM CountryLanguage"
output = conn.execute(languages)
data = conn.fetchall()

# Combine everything into a single dataframe
country_language = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_names)
CountryCode Language IsOfficial Percentage
0 ABW Dutch T 5.3
1 ABW English F 9.5
2 ABW Papiamento F 76.7
3 ABW Spanish F 7.4
4 AFG Balochi F 0.9
... ... ... ... ...
979 ZMB Tongan F 11.0
980 ZWE English T 2.2
981 ZWE Ndebele F 16.2
982 ZWE Nyanja F 2.2
983 ZWE Shona F 72.1

984 rows × 4 columns

##        QUESTION 4        ##
# Use an inner join to relate the name and region of the country from the Country table
# to the country language from the CountryLanguage table. Only keep results if the language
# is spanish
spanish_only = "SELECT c.Name, c.Region FROM Country c INNER JOIN CountryLanguage l \
    ON c.Code=l.CountryCode WHERE l.Language LIKE '%Spanish%'"
output = conn.execute(spanish_only)
data = conn.fetchall()
# Put the data in a dataframe, print the length of the dataframe and then the dataframe
spanish_countries = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Name", "Region"])
print("Number of Spanish Speaking Countries:", len(spanish_only))
Number of Spanish Speaking Countries: 129
Name Region
0 Aruba Caribbean
1 Andorra Southern Europe
2 Argentina South America
3 Belize Central America
4 Bolivia South America
5 Canada North America
6 Chile South America
7 Colombia South America
8 Costa Rica Central America
9 Cuba Caribbean
10 Dominican Republic Caribbean
11 Ecuador South America
12 Spain Southern Europe
13 France Western Europe
14 Guatemala Central America
15 Honduras Central America
16 Mexico Central America
17 Nicaragua Central America
18 Panama Central America
19 Peru South America
20 Puerto Rico Caribbean
21 Paraguay South America
22 El Salvador Central America
23 Sweden Nordic Countries
24 Uruguay South America
25 United States North America
26 Venezuela South America
27 Virgin Islands, U.S. Caribbean
##        QUESTION 5        ##
# Get the column names from the Country table
get_cols = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM Country"
output = conn.execute(get_cols)
col_names = conn.fetchall()
col_names = [i[0] for i in col_names]

# Get the data from the Country table
languages = "SELECT * FROM Country"
output = conn.execute(languages)
data = conn.fetchall()

# Convert the retrieved data into a DataFrame
country = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_names)

# Drop null values
country = country.dropna()

# Extract all of the regions
regions = list(set(country['Region']))

# Create empty lists to store the average life expectancy and life
# expectancies for every country in a region
avg_life_expect = []
life_expect = []
# Iterate through every region
for region in regions:
    # Create a sub-dataframe with only countries in a given region
    region_data = country[country["Region"]==region]
    # Temporary array to store the life expectancies of each country in a 
    # region
    life_expect_temp = []
    # Iterate through each country in a region
    for i in range(len(region_data)):
        # Save the life expectancy
    # Store the list of life expectancies and the average life expectancy for
    # each region

# Sorted the saved data by average life expectancy    
life_expect_sorted = sorted(zip(avg_life_expect,regions,life_expect))

# Extract, in order of increasing average life expectancy, the list of 
# life expectancies and the region
life_expect_sorted_data = []
sorted_regions = []
for row in life_expect_sorted:
    avg, region, data = row
# Create a boxplot of the life expectancy data   
# Change the x-ticks, add x and y labels
plt.xticks(range(len(sorted_regions)), sorted_regions, rotation=90)
plt.xlabel('Region', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Life Expectancy", fontsize=14)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Life Expectancy')