PHY 299-02: Quantum Computing and Quantum Information

Course Materials


Links to pre-class homework assignments are located with the lectures.

1. Linear Algebra and Quantum Mechanics Crash Course

2. Quantum Mechanics with Python

3. Simulating Qubits, Superposition, Entanglement, and Measurement with Qiskit

4. Simulating More Complicated Quantum Circuits

5. Implementing and Testing the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm

6. Implementing Grover’s Search Algorithm and Comparing to Classical Search Algorithms

7. Implementing Shor’s Factoring Algorithm and Comparing to Classical Factoring Algorithms

8. Implementing a Quantum Teleport Protocol

9. Solving the Lipkin Model with the Variational Quantum Eigensolver

10. Quantum Machine Learning

11. Simulating Error Propagation and Error Correction in a Noisy Quantum Circuit

12. Performing Calculations on Real Quantum Computers

Lecture Topics

1. What are quantum computers and how do they compare to classical computers? (August 26)

2. General Mathematics Review, Linear Algebra Overview, and Using Python for Linear Algebra (August 28)

3. Quantum Mechanics Crash Course (Part 1) (August 30)

4. Quantum Mechanics Crash Course (Part 2) (September 4 - September 6)

5. Solving Quantum Mechanics Problem in Python (September 9)

6. Qubits, Superposition, and Introduction to Qiskit (September 11)

7. Quantum Measurement, Wavefunction Collapse, and Entanglement on a Quantum Computer (September 13)

8. Qiskit for Single and Multi-Qubit Systems (Additional Online Practice)

9. Quantum Gates: Practice with Circuits with 4+ Qubits (September 16)

10. Bernstein-Varirani Algorithm and Quantum Fourier Transforms (September 18 - September 25)

11. More Quantum Fourier Transforms, Quantum Phase Estimation, and Quantum Parallelism (September 27 - September 30)

12. Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm (October 2 - October 4)

13. Grover’s Search Algorithm (October 7 - October 9)

14. Shor’s Factoring Algorithm (October 11 - October 16)

15. Quantum Key Distribution (October 21)

16. Quantum Teleportation (October 21 - October 23)

17. Quantum Cryptography (October 23)

18. Quantum Simulations of Physical Systems (October 25)

19. Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) (October 28 - November 1)

20. Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms (November 4 - November 6)

21. Quantum Machine Learning (November 8 - November 13)

22. Quantum Errors and Noise (November 15)

23. Quantum Error Correction (November 18 - November 20)

24. Quantum Hardware (November 22 - November 25)

25. Scalability of Quantum Hardware (December 2)

26. Using Real Quantum Computers (December 4 - December 6)