Introduction and Excel Homework

The following homework assignment contains three parts. All parts are due by 11:59 pm on September 16th. However, please note that this is a very long homework that you will not be able to complete adequately in one day. For each part there is a suggested completion date you can use to make sure you are staying up to date with what is happening in the course and to make sure you will finish all the work in time.

Part 0 (8pts.; Suggested Completion Date: August 30th)

  • (2 pts.) Send me an email ( and introduce yourself. Include your name, year at Mount Union, major, why you are taking the course, and any other information I need to know.
  • (2 pts.) Attend office hours or make an appointment to come by my office. You must do this at least once before the due date of this homework assignment.
  • (4 pts.) Complete the introduction survey located here.

Part 1 (24 pts.; Suggested Completion Date: September 9th)

Read Chapters 1 and 2. Then, complete the following problems from the text book in Microsoft Excel. Submit the Excel file, and let each problem be a new sheet in the workbook.

Be sure to:

  • Include your data with labels.
  • Describe your analysis.
  • Describe your conclusion or ‘answer’ to each question.

Do the following:

  • Problem 1.1 (4 pts.)
  • Problem 1.2 (4 pts.)
  • Problem 1.3 (4 pts.)
  • “Try it yourself 2.1: Data Pre-Processing” (page 59 in the textbook). Note: for the Fourth option described in the problem, the 1000 loaves requires 30 lbs of ingredients. The author inadvertently left this information out of the problem statement. (4 pts.)
  • Problem 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3 (choose one that looks interesting to you) (8 pts.)

The files mentioned in the problem are available for download below.

Part 2 (20 pts.; Suggested Completion Date: September 16th)

Read Chapter 3. Then, complete the following problems from the text book in Microsoft Excel. Submit the Excel file, and let each problem be a new sheet in the workbook.

Be sure to:

  • Include your data with labels.
  • Describe your analysis.
  • Describe your conclusion or ‘answer’ to each question. Label them clearly if there are multiple questions being answered.

Do the following:

  • Conceptual Question 3.2 (4 pts.)
  • Conceptual Question 3.6 (4 pts.)
  • Problem 3.1 (4 pts.)
  • Problem 3.2 (8 pts.)