Excel Project

You will be randomly assigned to a group (1-8). Each group should create a Microsoft Word document or Google Docs document that is shared with every group member. The document should contain the names of everyone in the group.

Your team’s task:

  1. Download and open the Project Data.xlsx file. Navigate to the sheet with your team number.
  2. Determine what data is being presented. With your team, decide on 2-3 interesting questions that you think you should be able to answer from the data. Write them in to the Report template.
    • Example: for sports data, is there a tendency for one position or one sport to have taller and/or heavier players?
  3. Perform the analysis in Excel (you are all working on a different copy of the Excel file, so you can divide and conquer, all do the analysis and check each other, etc. Decide your approach as a team.)
  4. Insert your results into the Word document. Use charts, PivotTables, etc. as appropriate. Write a bit of text explaining/interpreting each figure.
  5. Be prepared to briefly present your work to your classmates. Each member of the team should speak during the presentation (~3 minutes/group).
  6. One person from each group should submit the document to the correct dropbox on D2L. Make sure that every name is on the document.