print("Hello World!")
Hello World!
Comments are lines of code that the programming language ignores. Comments are for the people writing and reading the code. In Python, you define a comment with a line starting with a #.
# This is a comment!
# Comments are for people to read
# Python does nothing with comments
print("This is not a comment!")
This is not a comment!
A symbol/placeholder which represents a piece of data.
The type of a piece of data tells you what it is
Examples: * int: a whole number, no decimal (short for integer) * float: a number with a decimal * string: a sequence of characters between quotation marks (““)
x = 2
y = 3
add = x+y
sub = x-y
mul = x*y
div = x/y
exp = x**y
print("Addition:", add)
print("Subtraction:", sub)
print("Multiplication:", mul)
print("Division:", div)
print("Exponent:", exp)
Addition: 5
Subtraction: -1
Multiplication: 6
Division: 0.6666666666666666
Exponent: 8
temp_C = -30 # This is a temperature in Celsius
temp_F = 1.8*(temp_C) + 32 # This is the temperature converted to Farenheit
temp_K = temp_C + 273.15 # This is a temperature in Kelvin
print("The temperature in Celsius:", temp_C)
print("The temperature in Farenheit:", temp_F)
print("The temperature in Kelvin:", temp_K)
The temperature in Celsius: -30
The temperature in Farenheit: -22.0
The temperature in Kelvin: 243.14999999999998
Conditional statements perform differently depending on if a given condition is true or false.
A new data type that must evaluate to either True or False
Functions prevent to need to copy and paste code by letting you reuse code by referencing a name. They work variables but for large pieces of code.
My name is Julie Butler
I have a dog
I live in Alliance
I am a professor
# Functions can be passed information (called arguments)
# Functions can return information
# Docstrings are a special type of comment for a function
def C_to_F(temp_C):
Converts a temperature in Celsius to Farenheit.
temp_C (float or int): a temperature in Celsius
temp_F (float or int): a temperature in Farenheit
temp_F = 1.8*temp_C+32
return temp_F
# Values returned by functions can be saved in variables
temp_F_32 = C_to_F(32)
print("32 Celsius in Farenheit is", temp_F_32)
32 Celsius in Farenheit is 89.6
# Functions can have more than one argument
# and more than one return type
def convert_temp (temp_C, isPrint):
Convert a temperature in degrees Celsius to both
Farenheit and Kelvin and will print the conversion
if needed.
temp_C (float or int): a temperature in Celsius
isPrint (boolean): if True, print information about the temperatures
temp_F (float): the temperature in Farenheit
temp_K (float): the temperature in Kelvin
# Calculate the temperature in Farenheit and Kelvin
temp_F = 1.8*temp_C+32
temp_K = temp_C + 273.15
# Print information if needed (if isPrint is True)
if isPrint:
print("The temperature in Celsius is", temp_C)
print("but in Farenheit it is", temp_F)
print("and in Kelvin it is", temp_K)
# Return the calculated temperatures
return temp_F, temp_K
List is a data type which let’s you store, access, and manipulate large amounts of information
# Lists are defined with square brackets []
# Each piece of data in a list is called an element
my_list = [10, 22, "Julie", 5, 28]
<class 'list'>
# Each element has a location associated with it identified by a number called an index
# The index of element can be used to extract it from the list
# The index of the first element is 0, the index of the last element is length of list - 1
# Access multiple elements with index splicing
# The first index is inclusive (meaning we use it)
# The second index is exclusive (meaning we up to it, but do not include it)
# The result of using an index splice on a list is a list
[10, 22, 'Julie']
# Lists have functions that give them extra abilities
# len is one of the functions that gives us the length of the list
# append is a function that let's us add data to a list
my_list.append("sponge") # append adds to the end of the list
[10, 22, 'Julie', 5, 28]
[10, 22, 'Julie', 5, 28, 'sponge']
[10, 22, 'Julie', 5, 28, 'sponge']
[10, 'Julie', 5, 28, 'sponge']
# sort and reverse let you control the order of elements in the list
new_list = [15, 19, 17, 16, 18]
# orders the list in ascending order (smallest to largest)
# flips the order of the list (first element becomes last element, last element becomes first element)
[15, 19, 17, 16, 18]
[15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
[19, 18, 17, 16, 15]
# min and max let you pull out the smallest and largest values in a list
# Reverse list indexing let's you access elements starting from the end of the list
print("The last element in the list is", new_list[4])
print("The last element in the list is", new_list[-1])
print("The second to last element in the list is", new_list[-2])
The last element in the list is 15
The last element in the list is 15
The second to last element in the list is 16
Julie Butler