2.2 - Python Basics

Our goal here is to move through an ultra-condensed version of “Computer Science 101” – to be good data scientists we need to have a good familiarity working with code.

Put another way, no one wants to live in a house built on a weak foundation!

Outline: 1. Arithmetic 2. Objects & Object Methods 3. Control Flow 4. Examples 5. Functions 6. String formatting

1. Let’s begin with simple arithmetic.

First, we calculate some basic expressions:

# If we want Jupyter to report the output of some calculation, wrap it 
# in print()
print(1 + 3 - 4 * 5 / 6)    # +, -, *, and / are used for standard operations

print(1 +(3 - 4)* 5 / 6)    # making grouping clear with parentheses is a good idea!

print(3*2**2)               # exponents are denoted with **, not ^

# There are three types of division (!) in Python 
# (and pretty much every language)
print(6/4)                  # usual floating point division; this gives 2.0 
print(6//4)                 # Integer or "floor" division; round down 
                            # "regular" division to the nearest integer
print(6%4)                  # Modulus division; what is the remainder when 
                            # doing integer division?

The order of operations follows the usual PEMDAS, except…

It is better to say something like P E MD AS because… * Multiplication and Division are evaluated “with equal precedence”, left to right * Addition and Subtraction are evaluated “with equal precedence”, left to right

Note also that exponentiation is applied “right to left”, as is standard practice.

For example, 2**3**4 = 2**(3**4)

Try predicting the output of the following before you check: * 4//3*4 * 2**8/2*2**4/2


Explanations for the above: * Multiplication and division (all forms) take equal precedence, so go left-to-right: 4//3 = 1, then 1*4=4. * Exponents take precedence, so we have

= (2**8)/2*(2**4)/2  # exponents first
= 256/2*16/2         # now just left to right
= 128*16/2
= 1024

2. Evaluating “simple” mathematical expressions like this isn’t very powerful or interesting. We obtain greater flexibility with objects.

In the simplest case, this lets us record some computations by “giving it a name”:

# A good way to read "x = <whatever>" is "x becomes" 
# or "x is assigned to be" whatever follows the "="

x = 3%6   # x becomes the result of 3%6   
x = 3*x   # x becomes 3 multiplied by the current value of x
x *= 3    # this is "augmented assignment" and is the same as x = 3*x
          # you can also do /=, +=, -=, etc.

There are many types of objects. We can check what we have with the type() command.

Try this:

x = 3
print(type(x))  # notice this is evaluated "inside out": do type(x), 
                # then print that

y = 3.0

# This demonstrates that Python differentiates between integers 
# (whole numbers) and floating point numbers (with something 
# after the decimal, even if it is 0)
<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>

The usefulness of storing numbers is fairly obvious; it allows you to carry out multiple computations in sequence, carrying forward the results each time.

What are some other common types of objects in Python? * Dataframes from the pandas module. We saw last time (notes 2.01) that a dataframe essentially contains an entire table, like an Excel spreadsheet or data pulled from a “comma seperated values” (.csv) document.

* Strings, which is just regular text, defined like so: x = "A string!" This is useful when we want our scripts to provide meaningful output to a reader… or if we’re manipulating text in the first place!

* Lists, defined with square brackets like so: x = [1,2,3]. We will use these frequently; for example, making a scatter plot of two columns of data against one another is most simply done with two lists of the values (e.g. x=[1,2,3] and y=[5,6,7]).

* Booleans, which are logical values True and False, defined with e.g. x = True.

We’ll ignore dataframes for now, but let’s play a bit with the other three. Every type of object has built in methods, which are essentially standard routines we can access directly with object dot notation. Let’s demonstrate with a silly example.

String methods

# Create a string object
x = "a silly example"

# Spit out just one character
# The index starts at 0 and increases from there

# Or we can do a "slice" with x[start:end]

# Use a method to make it all capitalized
print(x)         # Notice that doing x.upper() doesn't change x
x = x.upper()
print(x)         # But explicitly making a reassignment does!
a silly example
a silly example

Let’s play for a minute. Start with x = " Python is awesome " and experiment with the following string methods: 1. x.capitalize() 2. x.lower() 3. x.isupper() 4. x.islower() 5. x.isnumeric() 6. x.isalpha() 7. x.isalnum() 8. x.count("a") (for all these, “a” just means any string) 9. x.find("a") 10. x.split() or x.split("a") 11. x.startswith("a") 12. x.endswith("a") 13. x.replace("a","b") 14. x.lstrip() 15. x.rstrip()

x = " Python is awesome"

# change the below line...
y = x.lstrip()

Python is awesome

Generating lists

As we turn to lists, let’s think first see how to create them.

# The first method we've already seen: be explicit
x = [1,2,3]

# The "slice" notation is the same as for string

# Another method is to use a generator:
# we specify where we start and stop
x = list(range(0,5))

# Notice that the last value is actually 4, not 5
# This is to ensure there are 5-0=5 entries in the list
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

List methods

OK, let’s play with list methods. A few examples:

x = []       # Create an empty list

x.append(1)  # append an entry to the end of the list

x = [10,3,12,7,3]   # A different list
x.sort()            # Change it to ascending order

x.reverse()         # Flip the order (here, descending)

print(x.count(3))   # how many entries = 3 do we have?
[1, 2]
[3, 3, 7, 10, 12]
[12, 10, 7, 3, 3]

Your turn! See what the following list methods do: 1. x.index(12) 2. x.insert(100,2) 3. y = x.pop() 4. x.remove(10)

In addition, there are some built in functions in Python that are useful when applied to lists (these don’t use the object dot notation because they’re not specific to lists): 1. min(x) 2. max(x) 3. len(x)

# Let's play with the above suggestions...

# Make the list
x = [10,3,12,7,3]

# play with the below line
#y = x.pop()

[10, 2, 3, 12, 7, 3]


As a final example (for now!) of objects in Python, let’s take a look at Booleans. There are just two; True and False; Python generates these when you present it with a logical statement. For example:

# We read this as "x is assigned to be ...
# the result of the statement '5 is greater than 4',
# which is True.

x = 5>4

# Python can handle different types
# as long as there is a logical way to do so
print(200 == 200.0)

# This one is a bit more subtle
# compare the position in the alphabet of the first
# characters (P,J); if they're the same check the
# second, and so on, until a mismatch is found
print('Python' < 'Java')

Booleans are particularly useful as we move on to…

3. For anything but the simplest scripts we want to do different things in different situations. This is so-called “control flow

In the simplest case, Python runs the first line of a script, then the second, all the way to the end.

What if we want to run some code conditionally? One example of so-called control flow is when we want to do something like:

“if something is True, do this; otherwise, do that

This is implemented with an “if/else” or “if/elif/else” statement:

x = 10

if x > 100:
    # x > 100 evaluates to either True or False (a Boolean),
    # if it evals to True, we do the line indented below
    print("x is bigger than 100.")
    # if the statement at the top is False, we do the below
    # line instead
    print("x is less than or equal to 100.")

Notice the syntax:

if <something that evalues to True or False>:
    #indented code that fires if the above statement evaluates to True
    #a catch-all that fires if the above statement evaluates to False

We can expand this structure with multiple checks, like so:

if x > 100:
    print("x is bigger than 100.")
elif x > 50:
    print("x is less than or equal to 100, but bigger than 50.")
    print("x is less than or equal to 50.")

We sometimes also want to give an instruction along the lines of:

“Do something to every item in some container.”

(Formally, a container is an iterable, an object that can spit out its members one at a time.)


“Do something a certain number of times”

This is implemented with a “for loop”:

x = [1,2,3,4]

# Simple example: just output the entries
for i in x:
# maybe we'd like to compute the sum of the squares
# of the entries in the list
value = 0
for i in x:
    value += i**2


# Or if we don't want to use a pre-defined list:
for i in range(5):

Finally, sometimes we want to continue a calculation multiple times, like in a for loop, but we don’t know ahead of time how many calculations we might like to do. We can instead say something like

“While some condition is True, do something

This is implemented with a “while” loop:

# Maybe we want to add up the integers squared, and 
# keep going until the sum is one million. What is
# the last integer we add?

counter = 0
value = 0

while value < 1E6:
    # we do whatever is indented below until value < 1E6 
    # becomes False.
    counter += 1
    value += counter**2

# once we're done, we print out both objects

# We see that when we added 144**2, we exceed one million
# So the last integer we'd add to -not- exceed one million
# is 143.

4. Examples

Phew! Let’s stop and apply some of what we’ve done. Consider the following examples…

Example 1

You can find the maximum value in a list with max(x). For practice, let’s write our own approach: * Snag the first item and say “as far as I know, this is the biggest”; call it m. * Check the second entry. If it is larger than m, update m to be this new value. * Repeat the above step as you consider every remaining item in the list.

Check this with the following list: x = [5, 8, 120, 4]

Example 2

Use a for loop to calculate the sum

\[ v = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{8} + ... \]

where you stop the sum after including 20 terms in the series.

Example 3

The series from example 2 converges to \(v=1\) as you include more and more terms. How many terms do you need to include to come within 0.001% of this value?

To calculate percent error \(P\), use the formula

\[ P = \frac{\lvert \text{actual} - \text{theoretical} \rvert }{\text{theoretical}} \times 100 \]

# Solutions for the examples (there are multiple ways to do these)

# Example 1
x = [5,8,120,4]

m = x[0]

# Look at every entry in x
for i in x:
    # Check if the one under consideration is bigger than
    # the current "biggest so far"
    if i > m:
        # If it is, update
        m = i 

# print
# Example 2

v = 0

# i will be 1, 2, 3, ..., 20
# we want to add up terms like 1/(2**i)

for i in range(1,21):
    v += 1/(2**i)

# Example 3

i = 1        # Use this to "walk across" greater terms
v = 0        # Running sum
tol = 0.001  # How close do we want to get?
P = 1        # Our percent error. Create it as something big 
             # to start loop

while P > tol:
    v += 1/(2**i)
    i += 1
    P = 100*abs(v-1)/1. 

# We increased i inside the loop after updating v, so "de-count"

5. Functions

In more complex scripts, we might want to run a certain bit of code multiple times. Defining a function “puts the code in a drawer” and allows us to pull it out whenever we need to.

This makes code tidier (less repetition) and easier to update/debug.

Using a function conceptually involves three steps: 1. Feed in some information (i.e, provide the arguments of the function) 2. Do something with the arguments (e.g., add them) 3. Provide some information back to the main script (e.g., return the sum)

A simple example will hopefully make this clear:

# Define the function

def f(x,y):
    # x and y are the arguments
    out = x + y
    # `return` says "provide what follows to the main script"
    return out

# If we only define a function, the script doesn't do anything;
# to use it we have to "call" it:
v = f(4,5)

# Here, v becomes whatever is returned from the function
# (here, what we called `out`)

### Function Example

The binomial approximation says that if \(x \ll 1\),

\[(1+x)^n \approx 1+nx\]

You can check how good the approximation is by computing the percent difference (the left side being exact and the right being approximate).

Write a function that takes \(x\) and \(n\) as its arguments and returns the percent difference. Run it for the following:

  1. \(n = 2\), \(x = 0.01\)
  2. \(n = 2\), \(x = 0.001\)
  3. \(n = 2\), \(x = 0.0001\)
  4. \(n = 4\), \(x = 0.01\)
  5. \(n = 4\), \(x = 0.001\)
  6. \(n = 4\), \(x = 0.0001\)

def check(n,x):
    exact = (1+x)**n
    approx = 1+n*x
    P = 100*abs(approx-exact)/exact
    return P



6. String Formatting

Thus far, when we have reported our results we have used a simple print statement, like print(x). For complicated programs we would like to give more nicely formatted output. We can do thing with “string formatting”.

The idea is fairly straightforward: use “curly braces” to set up a placeholder in a string, then specify the object to dump inside:

# Simple example
print("My favorite color is {}.".format("blue"))

# You can have more than one placeholder:
print("My favorite color is {} and my favorite food is {}.".format("blue","PEZ"))

# You can specify which entry goes where:
print("My favorite color is {0}, {0}, {0}! Also I like to eat {1}.".format("blue","PEZ"))
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite color is blue and my favorite food is PEZ.
My favorite color is blue, blue, blue! Also I like to eat PEZ.

There are many ways to customize the way the information is formatted. Try the following and see if you can decipher what is going on:

# Make some long decimal
x = 2/11

print('The result is {0:1.2f}'.format(x))
print('The result is {0:10.2f}'.format(x))
print('The result is {0:1.3e}'.format(x))
The result is 0.18
The result is       0.18
The result is 1.818e-01

The information after the colon is in the format n1.n2 and one final character where: * n1 specifies the minimum width of the entry (useful to align multiple outputs to the console) * n2 specifies how many digits after the decimal to include * the final character, here either f or e, specifies “floating point” or “exponential” (scientific) notation.


Go back to the previous example for the binomial approximation. “Prettify” the output.

# One approach...

def check(n,x):
    exact = (1+x)**n
    approx = 1+n*x
    P = 100*abs(approx-exact)/exact
    return P

out = check(2,0.01)
print("For n = {0}, x = {1:6}, the percent error is {2:1.3e}".format(2,0.01,out))

out = check(2,0.001)
print("For n = {0}, x = {1:6}, the percent error is {2:1.3e}".format(2,0.001,out))

out = check(2,0.0001)
print("For n = {0}, x = {1:6}, the percent error is {2:1.3e}".format(2,0.0001,out))

out = check(4,0.01)
print("For n = {0}, x = {1:6}, the percent error is {2:1.3e}".format(4,0.01,out))

out = check(4,0.001)
print("For n = {0}, x = {1:6}, the percent error is {2:1.3e}".format(4,0.001,out))

out = check(4,0.0001)
print("For n = {0}, x = {1:6}, the percent error is {2:1.3e}".format(4,0.0001,out))
For n = 2, x =   0.01, the percent error is 9.803e-03
For n = 2, x =  0.001, the percent error is 9.980e-05
For n = 2, x = 0.0001, the percent error is 9.998e-07
For n = 4, x =   0.01, the percent error is 5.804e-02
For n = 4, x =  0.001, the percent error is 5.980e-04
For n = 4, x = 0.0001, the percent error is 5.998e-06