Data Science or Artificial Intelligence Ethics Report

The ethics report is a three-part assignment. In the first part, you will find a theme on ethics in data science or artificial intelligence to discuss in your report. You must submit this theme and three quotes about this theme from a reputable online resource. This part is due on Wednesday September 4th by midnight. Submit your assignment to the correct dropbox on the course D2L page.

The second part of is a 5-8 page report where you will expand and explore the theme you choose. The third part is a 5-8 minute pre-recorded video in which you will explain your topic using a presentation (using PowerPoint or similar). Parts 2 and 3 of this assignment are due on Monday October 7th by midnight. Submit your assignment to the correct dropbox on the course D2L page.

Assignment 1: Theme and Three Quotes

Select a topic in Data Ethics (within the assigned category of Bias or Privacy) or within Artificial Intelligence Ethics Find interesting TED talk videos or other reputable online resources for your topic. Investigate them.

ASSIGNMENT: (1-page, typed)

In one sentence, clearly articulate your “Theme” Under the “Theme”, describe in 1-3 sentences why you chose this Theme Select 3 “Quotes” from reliable resources (articles, presentations, etc.) For each quote, write 1 paragraph explaining how it ties into and supports the Theme.


  • Did you clearly articulate your Theme and why you chose it? (2 pts)
  • Did you select 3 quotes from reliable resources? (3 pts)
  • Did you explain how each quote ties into or supports your Theme? (3 pts)
  • Is your work easy to read and free of spelling and grammar errors? (2 pts)

Example Resources:

Assignment 2: Written Report

This report is intended to introduce the topic to an intellectually curious audience and broaden their awareness and understanding of a variety of ethical issues in data science.


  • Reflect on your topic presented in “A Theme and 3 Quotes”. Modify and narrow (if necessary) based on feedback from the instructor and your peers.
  • Investigate the topic in more detail. Select a minimum of 3 reliable sources to cite in your report.
  • Prepare a report 5-8 pages in length that includes:
    • A developed thesis statement
    • Introduction
      • Set the context
      • State why the main idea is important
      • State your thesis or “claim”
    • Body
      • Find supporting arguments for each point you make (ideally 3 points)
    • Conclusion
      • Briefly summarize
      • Make your case
  • Use MLA format.
    • Double-spaced, size 12 font. Choose a relatively ‘normal’ font, like Times New Roman
    • Margins should be 1 inch on all sides
    • 5-8 pages total length. At least 5 pages of text. Graphics are welcome as long as they add to your narrative.
    • Must have 3 references (minimum). More than 3 is ok, too.
    • You must reference reliable sources. Professional articles and presentations, professional journals, government websites, etc. If you’re not sure about one of your references, just ask and we can discuss it.
    • Include a works cited page at the end. This is not counted in your total page count.
    • Paper should have a title that clearly and concisely states your Theme/Topic.

A great resource to aid you in constructing your paper is

Assignment 3: Oral Reports

You will present your topic in Data Ethics to the class through a pre-recorded video which will then be posted on D2L for your peers to peruse.

  • Your presentation will be 5-8 minutes in length.
  • Include visuals (Powerpoint slides or an alternative presentation format)
    • It is suggested that you have no more than 7-8 slides.
  • Include the following:
    • Statement of your Thesis (or Theme)
    • Introduction: Set the context, state why the main idea is important, tell us why you chose it
    • Body: Tell us your three supporting arguments
    • Conclusion: Briefly summarize/make your case

Examples of oral reports from previous students can be found on the course D2L page.