Simulating More Complicated Quantum Circuits

Problem 1

An algorithm with the same end result as the Bernstein-Varirani algorithm can be created using an oracle made only of NOT gates. Create this oracle and prove it works by decoding a secret string of length 3, a secret string of length 5, and a secret string of length 7.

# Needed to set up the quantum circuit
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
# Needed to simulate running a quantum computer
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
# Neded to visualize the results of running a quantum computer
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram
# Needed for vectors and stuff
import numpy as np

def bv_algorithm_alternative (s):
        An alternative version of the Berstein-Varirani algorithm which contains
        only NOT gates in the oracle
            s (a string): the secret string in the oracle that needs to be decoded
            circuit: a qiskit circuit with the algorithm implemented
    # Get the length of the string
    n = len(s)
    # Need n qubits. n are mapped to the n classical bits
    q = QuantumRegister(n) 
    # Need n classical bits
    c = ClassicalRegister(n) 
    # creates a quantum circuit that maps the result of a qubit
    # to a classical bit
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(q, c) 
    # enumerate returns the index and value for each element in the string
    # Reversed because of the way qiskit displays the results
    # Note though that s is only referenced one time
    # The number of queries to s is just 1
    for i, bit in enumerate(reversed(s)):
        # If the current bit is a one, then add a not gate to that qubit
        if bit == '1': 
            # i is the control qubit, n is the target qubit
    circuit.barrier() # just a visual aid for now

    # measure the qubits indexed from 0 to n-1 and store them into the 
    # classical bits indexed 0 to n-1
    circuit.measure(range(n), range(n)) 

    # Return the circuit
    return circuit
# Test the circuit with  secret string of length 3, then length 5, and finally length 7
circuit_3 = bv_algorithm_alternative('100')
circuit_5 = bv_algorithm_alternative('10010')
circuit_7 = bv_algorithm_alternative('1001001')
# Simulate the circuit, all results should give us the "secret string"
simulator = AerSimulator()
results =
# Print the secret string and the results of the simulation
print("Known Secret String:", '100')
print("Secret String from Algorithm:", results)
Known Secret String: 100
Secret String from Algorithm: {'100': 1024}
# Simulate the circuit, all results should give us the "secret string"
simulator = AerSimulator()
results =
# Print the secret string and the results of the simulation
print("Known Secret String:", '10010')
print("Secret String from Algorithm:", results)
Known Secret String: 10010
Secret String from Algorithm: {'10010': 1024}
# Simulate the circuit, all results should give us the "secret string"
simulator = AerSimulator()
results =
# Print the secret string and the results of the simulation
print("Known Secret String:", '1001001')
print("Secret String from Algorithm:", results)
Known Secret String: 1001001
Secret String from Algorithm: {'1001001': 1024}

Problem 2

Using the quantum Fourier transform algorithm developed in class, create a quantum circuit that will perform a QFT on the following data points. Show the results in terms of Bloch sphere representations. Remember you can use the bin function in Python to convert a number to its binary representation. * x = 5 * x = 10 * x = 21 * x = 35 * x = 2

# This import let's us visualize the Qiskit qubits as state vectors (bra-ket notation)
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
# This import let's us visualize 
from qiskit.visualization import plot_bloch_multivector

# Define pi
pi = np.pi

## The below three functions are taken from the code for lecture 10

def qft_rotations(circuit, n):
        Performs qft on the first n qubits in circuit (without swaps)
            circuit is the qiskit circuit
            n is the number of qubits in the circuit
            circuit after adding Hadamard gates and controlled phase gates to perform
                the qft
    # Break condition
    if n == 0:
        return circuit
    # Subtract 1 because the highest indexed qubit is one less than the total number of qubits
    n -= 1
    # Hadamard to the highest indexed qubit
    # Controlled phase gate with the qubit at n (the highest ordered) being the target and every
    # lower indexed qubit being the control in order
    for qubit in range(n):
        phi = pi/2**(n-qubit)
        circuit.cp(phi, qubit, n)
    # Recursion time!
    # Recall the function with the same circuit, but n is one less than it was originally
    # The next run-through will ignore the highest indexed qubit in this run-through
    qft_rotations(circuit, n)

def swap_qubits(circuit, n):
        Performs swaps the locations of all qubits
            circuit is the qiskit circuit
            n is the number of qubits in the circuit
            circuit after swapping all qubits
    # Int in range function because range requires an integer
    for qubit in range(int(n/2)):
        # swap the position of a low-indexed qubit and the qubit
        # that is the same distance from the highest ordered qubit
        circuit.swap(qubit, n-qubit-1)
    return circuit

def qft(circuit, n):
        Performs QFT on a qiskit circuit by adding the correct gates to the circuit and then
        swapping the order of the qubits
            circuit is the qiskit circuit
            n is the number of qubits in the circuit
            circuit is the qiskit circuit after the qft gates are applied            
    qft_rotations(circuit, n)
    swap_qubits(circuit, n)
    return circuit
# Print out the binary form of each number, and then the length of the binary string to see how many qubits
# Remove two from the length of the binary representation to account for the "0b" leading the binary representation
print("Binary Version of 5:", bin(5), "Number of Digits:", len(bin(5))-2)
print("Binary Version of 10:", bin(10), "Number of Digits:", len(bin(10))-2)
print("Binary Version of 10:", bin(21), "Number of Digits:", len(bin(21))-2)
print("Binary Version of 10:", bin(35), "Number of Digits:", len(bin(35))-2)
print("Binary Version of 10:", bin(2), "Number of Digits:", len(bin(2))-2)
Binary Version of 5: 0b101 Number of Digits: 3
Binary Version of 10: 0b1010 Number of Digits: 4
Binary Version of 10: 0b10101 Number of Digits: 5
Binary Version of 10: 0b100011 Number of Digits: 6
Binary Version of 10: 0b10 Number of Digits: 2
# Create a general function that will work for all the numbers
def qft_on_number (num):
        Performs quantum Fourier transform on a number by first converting it
        to a binary representation
            num (an int): the number to perform the quantum Fourier transform on
            qc (a Qiskit circuit): the qiskit circuit which will perform the 
                quantum Fourier transform
    # Get the length of the binary number
    n = len(bin(num))-2
    # Get the binary representation without the leading "0b"
    bin_rep = bin(num)[2:]

    # Create a quantum circuit that has as many qubits and classical bits as there
    # are binary digits in the number
    q = QuantumRegister(n)
    c = ClassicalRegister(n)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(q,c)

    # If there is a one in the binary representation then add a not gate to the corresponding
    # qubit
    # Reverse the binary representation before doing this for the same reasons as it is done
    # for the BV algorithm
    for i, bit in enumerate(reversed(bin_rep)):
    # If the current bit is a one, then add a not gate to that qubit
        if bit == '1': 
            # i is the control qubit, n is the target qubit

    # Measure and simulate the algorithm just to ensure we have the correct output
    simulator = AerSimulator()
    results =
    print(num, "in Binary:", bin(num)[2:])
    print("Result of Converting", num, "to Binary with QC:", results)
    print("Confirm Circuit Gives Correst Result:", list(results.keys())[0]==bin(num)[2:])

    # Remove the measurements before performing the quantum Fourier transform
    # Do the quantum fourier transform and then return the circuit
    qft(qc, n)
    return qc
## x = 5

qc = qft_on_number(5)
statevector = Statevector(qc)
       ┌───┐   ┌─┐   
q46_0: ┤ X ├───┤M├───
q46_1: ─────┤M├─╫────
       ┌───┐└╥┘ ║ ┌─┐
q46_2: ┤ X ├─╫──╫─┤M├
       └───┘ ║  ║ └╥┘
c45: 3/══════╩══╩══╩═
             1  0  2 
5 in Binary: 101
Result of Converting 5 to Binary with QC: {'101': 1024}
Confirm Circuit Gives Correst Result: True

## x = 10

qc = qft_on_number(10)
statevector = Statevector(qc)
q47_0: ─────┤M├─────────
       ┌───┐└╥┘   ┌─┐   
q47_1: ┤ X ├─╫────┤M├───
       └───┘ ║ ┌─┐└╥┘   
q47_2: ──────╫─┤M├─╫────
       ┌───┐ ║ └╥┘ ║ ┌─┐
q47_3: ┤ X ├─╫──╫──╫─┤M├
       └───┘ ║  ║  ║ └╥┘
c46: 4/══════╩══╩══╩══╩═
             0  2  1  3 
10 in Binary: 1010
Result of Converting 10 to Binary with QC: {'1010': 1024}
Confirm Circuit Gives Correst Result: True

## x = 21

qc = qft_on_number(21)
statevector = Statevector(qc)
       ┌───┐      ┌─┐      
q48_0: ┤ X ├──────┤M├──────
       └───┘┌─┐   └╥┘      
q48_1: ─────┤M├────╫───────
       ┌───┐└╥┘    ║ ┌─┐   
q48_2: ┤ X ├─╫─────╫─┤M├───
       └───┘ ║ ┌─┐ ║ └╥┘   
q48_3: ──────╫─┤M├─╫──╫────
       ┌───┐ ║ └╥┘ ║  ║ ┌─┐
q48_4: ┤ X ├─╫──╫──╫──╫─┤M├
       └───┘ ║  ║  ║  ║ └╥┘
c47: 5/══════╩══╩══╩══╩══╩═
             1  3  0  2  4 
21 in Binary: 10101
Result of Converting 21 to Binary with QC: {'10101': 1024}
Confirm Circuit Gives Correst Result: True

## x = 35

qc = qft_on_number(35)
statevector = Statevector(qc)
       ┌───┐         ┌─┐      
q49_0: ┤ X ├─────────┤M├──────
       ├───┤         └╥┘┌─┐   
q49_1: ┤ X ├──────────╫─┤M├───
       └───┘┌─┐       ║ └╥┘   
q49_2: ─────┤M├───────╫──╫────
            └╥┘┌─┐    ║  ║    
q49_3: ──────╫─┤M├────╫──╫────
             ║ └╥┘┌─┐ ║  ║    
q49_4: ──────╫──╫─┤M├─╫──╫────
       ┌───┐ ║  ║ └╥┘ ║  ║ ┌─┐
q49_5: ┤ X ├─╫──╫──╫──╫──╫─┤M├
       └───┘ ║  ║  ║  ║  ║ └╥┘
c48: 6/══════╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩═
             2  3  4  0  1  5 
35 in Binary: 100011
Result of Converting 35 to Binary with QC: {'100011': 1024}
Confirm Circuit Gives Correst Result: True

## x = 2

qc = qft_on_number(2)
statevector = Statevector(qc)
q50_0: ─────┤M├───
q50_1: ┤ X ├─╫─┤M├
       └───┘ ║ └╥┘
c49: 2/══════╩══╩═
             0  1 
2 in Binary: 10
Result of Converting 2 to Binary with QC: {'10': 1024}
Confirm Circuit Gives Correst Result: True

Problem 3

Without using the quantum Fourier transform algorithm we created in class (i.e. without using the recursive formalism), create a quantum circuit that will perform a quantum Fourier transform algorithm on a four-qubit state. Compare the results to relevant examples in Problem #2.

# Create a function that implements the quantum fourier transform algorithm on a four
# qubit system without using recursion
def qft_4_qubit (circuit):
    # First apply a Hadamard gate to the highest indexed qubit (3)

    # Then add relative phase gates to the target (index 3 qubit) from each
    # of the other qubits
    circuit.cp(pi/2**(3-0), 0, 3)
    circuit.cp(pi/2**(3-1), 1, 3)
    circuit.cp(pi/2**(3-2), 2, 3)

    # Now apply a Hadamard gate to the index 2 qubit

    # And relative phase gates from the index 2 qubit to the index 0 and 1 qubits
    circuit.cp(pi/2**(2-0), 0, 2)
    circuit.cp(pi/2**(2-1), 1, 2)
    # Now a Hadamard gate on the index 1 qubit

    # There is only one controlled phase gate now
    circuit.cp(pi/2**(1-0), 0, 1)

    # Finally, a Hadamard gate to the index 0 (lowest indexed) qubit)

    # Swap the order of the qubits before returning the circuit

    return circuit
# In problem 2, x = 10 has a four digit binary representation, so let's test that
# First set up the quantum circuit which creates 10, this uses the same logic from
# Problem 2
num = 10
n = len(bin(num))-2
bin_rep = bin(num)[2:]
q = QuantumRegister(n)
c = ClassicalRegister(n)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,c)

for i, bit in enumerate(reversed(bin_rep)):
# If the current bit is a one, then add a not gate to that qubit
    if bit == '1': 
        # i is the control qubit, n is the target qubit

# Apply our new QFT function to this circuit and display the results as a Bloch representatiobn
qc = qft_4_qubit(qc)
statevector = Statevector(qc)

# Compare to the results from Problem 2 which uses the recursive formula
# They are the same!
qc = qft_on_number(10)
statevector = Statevector(qc)
q45_0: ─────┤M├─────────
       ┌───┐└╥┘   ┌─┐   
q45_1: ┤ X ├─╫────┤M├───
       └───┘ ║ ┌─┐└╥┘   
q45_2: ──────╫─┤M├─╫────
       ┌───┐ ║ └╥┘ ║ ┌─┐
q45_3: ┤ X ├─╫──╫──╫─┤M├
       └───┘ ║  ║  ║ └╥┘
c44: 4/══════╩══╩══╩══╩═
             0  2  1  3 
10 in Binary: 1010
Result of Converting 10 to Binary with QC: {'1010': 1024}
Confirm Circuit Gives Correst Result: True