
PHY 299-02: Quantum Computing and Quantum Information

Instructor Information

  • Dr. Julie Butler
  • Email:
  • Office: Bracy 107
  • Office Hours: Monday 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm, Wednesday 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Friday 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm, and by appointment
  • Cell Phone: 864-993-7133

Course Introduction

This course is a 15 week introduction to quantum computing with applications in business, finance, communications, science, and engineering. There is no expected background for this course but prior experience with linear algebra, quantum mechanics, and Python programming will make the first weeks of the course easier.

Learning Goals

  • Be able to define the term quantum computing and explain the differences between a quantum computer and a classical computer
  • Be able to understand the physics, mathematics, and programming background necessary to learn quantum computing
  • Be able to explain the basic principles behind quantum computers including qubits, superposition, measurement, and entanglement
  • Be able to use a variety of quantum gates to construct quantum circuits
  • Be able to explain and implement basic quantum algorithms including quantum parallelism, Deutch-Jozsa algorithm, and Grover’s search algorithm
  • Be able to explain how quantum computers can be used for communication and cryptography and be able to implement a quantum teleport protocol
  • Be able to explain and implement the variational quantum eigensolver to find eigenvalues and to find the ground state energy of a quantum system
  • Be able to explain how hybrid classical-quantum algorithm are implemented and in what types of problems they are useful
  • Be able to explain how quantum computer hardware works and its scalability
  • Be able to explain the sources of quantum error and noise and how they can be corrected
  • Be able to explain how quantum computers can be used for machine learning, finance, and science

Textbooks and Other Resources

WARNING: IBM has recently updated their interfaces and the Qiskit library so many “older” resources you find online (i.e. older than a year) likely have out-of-date syntax. You can still use any ideas you get from those sources, but you will have to update the code.


  • 30% of the final grade will come from coding homework. There are 12 coding homeworks in total and the lowest two scores will be dropped
  • 30% of the final grade will come from conceptual homework. There are 12 conceptual homeworks in total and the lowest two scores will be dropped
  • 15% of your final grade will come from pre-class homework. There will be a short pre-class assignment due before each class. The lowest four scores will be dropped.
  • 10% of your final grade will come from exit tickets, which are required to be turned in before exiting the classroom each day.
  • 15% of the final grade will come from your participation in the course. This is made up of your attendance and active participation in the lectures, seeking timely help when issues and misunderstandings arise (both over email and during office hours), and being a good group member.
  • Percentage grades can be converted to an A-B scale using the following:
    • A: 100-93
    • A-: 92-90
    • B+: 89-87
    • B: 86-84
    • B-: 83-80
    • C+: 79-77
    • C: 76-74
    • C-: 73-70
    • D+: 69-67
    • D: 66-64
    • D-: 63-60
    • F: 59 and below

Grading of Pre-class Homework

The pre-class homeworks will be short assignments due before every lecture to introduce you to relevant concepts needed for the lecture. Pre-class homeworks will be graded on a completion basis (as long as you are putting effort into the pre-class homework assignments you will receive full credit). Occasionally you will be asked to turn in an in-class assignment with your pre-class homework. These assignments may be graded on an accuracy basis. Pre-class homework assignments should be submitted to the correct dropbox on D2L before 9 am on the assigned due date. Late days cannot be applied to pre-class homeworks.

Grading of Coding Homework

All questions on the coding homeworks will have a stated point value. To earn all possible points, your answers to the coding questions must have the following components:

  • All code must use good variable names and be commented. As an example of expectations, see the code provided in the class examples.
  • The code must provide the correct or expected answer. Any deviations from the correct or expected answer should be addressed.
  • Any questions which ask for written explanations should be provided in a Markdown cell (if using a Jupyter notebook) or on a different text document (if using a Python IDE). Answers must be thorough, written in full sentences, and with correct grammar. All responses must be in the student’s words and not directly copied from any source.
  • All sources used to gather information outside of course materials must be cited. This includes discussion with other students, AI chat bots, etc.

Grading of Conceptual Homework

All questions on the conceptual homeworks will have a stated point value. To earn all possible points, your answers to the conceptual questions must have the following components:

  • Answers must be thorough, written in full sentences, and with correct grammar. All responses must be in the student’s words and not directly copied from any source.
  • All sources used to gather information outside of course materials must be cited. This includes discussion with other students, AI chat bots, etc.

Homework Submission and Late Policy

All post-class homework assignments are to be submitted by 11:59pm on the stated due date. Homeworks are to be submitted to the correct Dropbox on the course D2L page. Each student has ten late days that can be used on any homework assignment throughout the semester. One late day allows for a 24-hour extension on a single homework assignment. Note that the conceptual and coding components count as one assignment each so turning in both components late uses two late days. If a student uses all ten late days, late assignments will not be accepted afterwards.

You must be able to thoroughly explain all work you submit (i.e. don’t copy your answers from another source or another student). All homeworks may be subject to an oral examination upon submission with points deducted for an inability to explain the submission.

Grading of Exit Tickets

Exit tickets are short “quizzes” that will be given to you at the start of each class and are due before you leave the classroom each day. The questions on the exit tickets can be answered by following along with the lecture and working out the calculations and coding problems that will be performed in the class. The exit tickets will be graded both on completion and accuracy.

Course Policies

Student Expectations

All students are expected to come to class ready to learn and help contribute to an environment that allows other students to learn. This means arriving on time and participating in lectures, not creating distractions for other students, and being courteous to students and the professor. It is expected that you completed all graded assignments and submit them on D2L by the posted deadline unless you are using an extension as detailed in the late policy.

Attendance Policy

Attendance at lectures is not required . If you choose not to attend a lecture you are still responsible for the material and assignments covered during that class. However, please note that attendance is a component of your participation grade as you do need to be present to contribute to class discussion and in-class coding assignments. If you experience an extended absence due to illness or family emergency, please email me, and we can work out a solution.


The University of Mount Union values disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is the campus office that collaborates with students with disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations based on appropriate documentation, the nature of the request, and feasibility. If you have, or think you have, a temporary or permanent disability and/or a medical diagnosis in any area, such as physical or mental health, attention, learning, chronic health, or sensory, please contact SAS. The SAS office will confidentially discuss your needs, review your documentation, and determine your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are not retroactive, and the instructor is not obligated to provide accommodations if a student does not request accommodation or provide documentation. Students should contact SAS to request accommodations and discuss them with their instructor as early as possible in the semester. You may contact the SAS office by phone at (330) 823-7372; or via e-mail at

Academic Honesty

All work you submit with your name on it is expected to be original work. You can consult any outside source, including the internet and AI chats, for help on assignments, but you are not allowed to copy any solutions you find there directly. Additionally, you should be able to thoroughly explain how you arrived at your answer for all work you turn in; all assignments are subject to possible verbal discussion which can contribute to your grade. If you work closely with other classmates on an assignment, please indicate that the solution results from collaboration and list the names of all students who contributed (this is allowed and encouraged). If it can be proven that you used Chegg, ChatGTP, or another person to solve your homework without citations (i.e., you are copying your solutions directly from these sources or others), you will receive a zero for the assignment and be reported for academic dishonesty.

Technology in the Classroom

All electronic devices are allowed in the classroom, provided that you do not use them to distract other students. You are required to bring a laptop which can assess the internet to every class. All devices should be muted and notifications silenced for the class duration. If a device distracts other students, you will be asked to put the device away or leave the classroom.

Communications with the Professor

The best way to ask a question about an assignment is to email me during business hours or text me outside of business hours.

Group Work Policy

All in-class assignments and homework assignments can be completed with other classmates. Each student needs to turn in their own assignment with the names of all collaborators on the assignment. Turning in an assignment that was completed as a group effort with only your name on it is considered cheating (see the above section on academic dishonesty).